
Unit tests

Unit tests for the python modules used in this workflow can be found in workflow/scripts/tests and run using Pytest which is included in the conda run-time environment for this pipeline.

To run all available unit tests:

conda activate 54gene-wgs-germline
pytest -s workflow/scripts/tests/*.py

Pipeline/Integration tests

To test the core pipeline, we provide a small test dataset and instructions on how to use this dataset available in a repository here.

To summarize, this test dataset contains a small region of chromosome 21 from the NA12878 platinum reference genome. The above repository contains all necessary inputs (configuration file, manifest, intervals, sex_linker files) required to run the pipeline in all three run-modes. The README provides instructions on how to use these files to execute a test using the 54gene-wgs-germline pipeline.

Snakemake unit tests

In development (TBD)


The aforementioned python unit tests and integration tests (in all three run-modes) are run as part of the Gitlab Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline for this codebase. You can find the status of the CI pipeline on the main repository page.

Note: The test suite and CI pipeline are still a work in progress.