
The workflow needs to be configured to perform the analysis of your choice by editing the following files in the config/ folder. Each file is described in more detail below.

Configuration file

The pipeline offers three run modes. Please specify the run mode in config.yaml. The name of the file defaults to config.yaml but you can use other filenames in conjunction with Snakemake’s --configfile command line flag.

  • full: This mode starts with FASTQs and emits a joint-called, filtered, multi-sample VCF.

  • joint_genotyping: This mode starts with gVCFs and runs joint-calling and filtering, emitting a multi-sample VCF. In the event you have analyzed batches of samples in the full-run mode, these batches can then jointly re-genotyped with this run mode.

  • fastqc_only: This mode starts with FASTQs and emits trimmed FASTQs as well as a multiQC report for raw and trimmed reads. This run mode is meant for performing QC on FASTQ data before further downstream analysis.

Manifest file

You will need to provide a headerless, white-space delimited manifest file to run the pipeline for all three run-modes. The default name for the file is manifest.txt but this is user configurable in the config file under sampleFile.

For full and fastqc_only mode, the manifest.txt requires the following columns:

  • Columns: readgroup  sample_ID   path/to/r1.fastq    path/to/r2.fastq

  • readgroup values should be unique, e.g. <sampleID>_<barcode>_<lane>

  • sample_ID should be the same for all FASTQ pairs from a single sample, and can be different from the FASTQ filenames

For example:

Sample1_S1_L001 Sample1 input/Sample_001_S1_L001_R1.fastq   input/Sample_001_S1_L001_R2.fastq
Sample1_S1_L002 Sample1 input/Sample_001_S1_L002_R1.fastq   input/Sample_001_S1_L002_R2.fastq

For joint_genotyping mode:

  • Columns: sample_ID   path/to/file.g.vcf.gz

  • sample_ID values should be unique, and should correspond to the sample IDs in the gVCF header

  • gVCFs should be bgzipped and indexed

For example:

Sample1 vcfs/Sample1.g.vcf.gz
Sample2 vcfs/Sample2.g.vcf.gz

Intervals file

For full and joint_genotyping modes only.

Joint-calling for a large number of samples is computationally expensive and time-consuming. This pipeline was designed to mitigate these issues by parallelizing joint-calling over multiple intervals of the genome. To specify the number of intervals, and which regions to parallelize over, a 2-column tab-delmited intervals.tsv file can be specified. The filename can be customized and edited in the config file under intervalsFile.

This file contains two columns with headers:

  • interval_name for the name of the particular interval or region

  • file_path full path to the interval/region BED file, Picard-style .interval_list, VCF file, or GATK-style .list or .intervals file (see further details on these formats here)

For example:

interval_name   file_path
interval_1  resources/scattered_calling_intervals/interval_1.bed
interval_2  resources/scattered_calling_intervals/interval_2.bed

The pipeline will supply these interval files to the GATK HaplotypeCaller, GenomicsDBImport, and GenotypeGVCFs steps to run concurrent instances of these rules at each specified interval(s), reducing overall execution time.

We recommend specifying regions of equal size for parallelization.

Sex linker file

The pipeline provides a boolean option somalier to estimate relatedness amongst the samples using Somalier in the config.yaml (see check_relatedness parameter in Configuration). This requires a 2-column, tab-delimited file. The filename defaults to sex_linker.tsv and is specified in the config.yaml under sexLinker. This file requires:

  • First column with the header Sample with all sample names

  • Second column with the header Sex containing case-insensitive encodings of sex in either m/f or male/female format

For example:

Sample  Sex
NA12878 F
Subject1    female
Subject2    m

MultiQC configuration

A configuration file for MultiQC can be found in config/multiqc.yaml and is used for generating and specifying the order of the various modules in the MultiQC report from the pipeline. We do not recommend modifying this file unless you understand how this configuration file is setup or how MultiQC works.

Config parameters

Below are descriptions and usage options for the various config parameters specified in config.yaml.






Manifest file with IDs



File with interval names and file paths



Max jobs to run concurrently



File with reported sex of each sample ID



Location of temp directory; does not have to exist prior to pipeline execution



Specify run mode to use (see below)



[yes|no] Set to yes for full run mode



[yes|no] Set to yes for joint calling from gVCFs



[yes|no] Set to yes for FASTQ QC and trimming



Set global java options



Used to submit jobs to a cluster only if you are using the optional wrapper script. See Execution



Name of your default cluster partition/queue; can be ~



Name of queue/partition best suited for compute- intensive jobs; can be ~



Name of queue/partition best suited for memory-intensive jobs; can be ~



Name of sequencing center for use in @RG tag in bams



Max concurrent jobs for specific high-bandwidth rules, to avoid potentially hitting bandwidth caps if deployed in a cloud environment; see wrapper script for an example of how to pass this in to snakemake. Set to the same number as jobs if you don’t want to limit concurrent rules in this way



Max het/hom ratio to allow through post-calling QC



Minimum depth required for sample to pass post-calling QC



Max % contamination to allow through post-calling QC



(minutes) Exclude rules from the benchmarking report if elapsed time is below this threshold



Check relatedness and sex discordance with Somalier (requires sex_linker.tsv) only available in full run mode. Support of Mac OSX is experimental, so you may want to set this to False on a Mac

The remainder of the config.yaml file contains a selected set of exposed per-tool parameters. For the most part, this allows tuning of resource allocation on a per-tool basis (i.e. threads and memory in MB). Java-based tools also allow for arbitrary java options to be passed through via java_opts. Additional exposed parameters include:

  • genomicsDBImport and genotypeGVCFs: We have exposed some useful parameters that have been helpful to adjust as scale increases. Please see GATK documentation for the relevant tools to learn more.

  • verifyBamID: A region field allows the user to specify chromosomes over which to run contamination analysis, in an attempt to mitigate large memory requirements.